Air gaming

Giant war plane models

By Rob Morgan

This is very British specific, not a review, but a suggestion perhaps.

Here is a new series of metal models in 1/144th and 1/200th scale which has just appeared in bookshops and news agents in the UK, and has a few surprises in it!

The first aircraft is the Lancaster, workhorse of Bomber Command, and a legend in its own right. This is a very late war 617 (Dambusters) Squadron machine, with a Tallboy bomb to be slung under — to be used against U-Boat pens. It’s most unusual and at only £1.99, a real giveaway. Wingspan is some 8″ by the way. Air wargamers might venture three of them to make a decent flight for an on-table game against Luftwaffe fighters and flak, but it’s a pity in some ways that this isn’t a standard Lancaster with all three turrets.

The second aircraft has just appeared at £3.99, and in 1/144th scale too. The is the amazing Junkers Ju290, a vast aircraft and very unusual indeed. This is the first model of it I’ve ever seen, and it dwarfs the Lancaster! Wingspan over 12″ and, in camouflage with three turrets and a gondola, this is a maritime reconnaissance aircraft.

Each of the models I’ve seen comes with landing gear down and a sturdy stand, by the way.

I can’t think of a wargame use for the Ju290, except as a target for an SAS raid, parked on the ground, but I’m sure there is one!

The third model is to be an Avro Vulcan, one of the most beautiful aircraft ever designed, but prices are creeping up. This is to be on sale at £7.99.

The next model after the Vulcan will be the B-17 Flying Fortress, and that obviously will have wargames uses, though it will, I suspect, sell at around £9 or £10.

Something to look out for.

2 thoughts on “Giant war plane models

  1. Ah – you’ve saved me a task here – I picked up the Ju290 yesterday and was gazing lovingly at it last night. It’s huge ! I don’t know what to do with it either!

    The insert in the magazine said that normal cover price will be £7.99 – which is pretty reasonable considering what you get.

    One thing that made me chuckle – there’s a subscription offer (there always is). Now they’ve said all the aeroplanes will be 1:144th scale (unless they are REALLY big in which case it’ll be 1:200th). The series is called Giant Warplanes. So, what is the subscription gift ? Four extra models – F117, Harrier jump jet, a Hawker Hurricane and a Supermarine Spitfire. In 1:144th none of these will be “Giant” (I’ve built them all in 1:144th – except the Harrier – and they are quite small really!).

    1. ((Chris Breeds submits the following.))

      Message: Will the Vickers Valiant and Handley Page Victor be issued in the present series of giant war planes?, as my father was a crew chief on all 3 aircraft.

      Chris Breeds

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